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Is Abortion Painful?


Menstruation can be painful, birth is painful, miscariage is painful. Abortion, is also painful.

The question is: how do you plan to manage the pain?

A good thing to consider is how your menstrual cramps are normally. This is a good indication of how you will experience your abortion (in levels of intensity). Abortion IS more intense than a period, but your period is a good indication on how your body manages removing tissue from the uterus.

Some things to consider:

-take ibprufen

-consider asking your provider to prescribe something a little stronger

-gentle movement and yoga is your friend

-a hot shower can help ease cramps

-hot water bottle/ heating pads for cramps and chills help with the secondary effects of misoprostol

-massage/ foam rolling

-eating healthy and cool foods

girl releasing pain and uterine cramping from at-home abortion
Yes! Abortion is painful, but there are pain management strategies you can explore that will help.

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