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Writer's pictureLynsey Bourke

Create Space: for YOU, your ancestors, and the future

♡♡ It is a privilege to be able to take proper space to recognize and process one's abortion. It is also an important step to one's resilience and healing afterward.

Themes of pregnancy inhabit many aspects of the spiritual. There is the question of the soul. In pregnancy, there is a promise of carrying out the line through new karmas created in the birth of the union between you and the DNA line you are uniting with.

In abortion, we choose not to carry out a specific line into the future. Not every line is necessarily meant to be born, and womb-holders have an instinctual sense of when a pregnancy is right or not.

Think for yourself into any pregnancies you have had. Did you sense a soul there ? At how many weeks pregnant did you sense a soul? No two pregnancies are alike, and it is possible to sense a soul early on for one and never sense a soul at all for another.

Different religions have different conceptualizations of when the soul enters. Some believe it is at the first breath after birth, others at 14 weeks (Islam, Judaism, pre 1700 Christianity), others at 7 weeks when the pineal gland forms and DMT starts working in the brain :)

You need to get clear on what you believe and allow yourself to explore your connection to your womb and what this pregnancy means in your life.

Pregnancy is an invitation, and you have decided to say no.

What DO you want to invite into your life ?

Who do you want to become? What is your relationship currently to mothering in your life? What will you nurture and grow in the coming years?

If you someday DO want to become a mother, or are currently, what kind of mother do you want to be ?

As wombholders, we can mother a wide range of things from children to projects to animals. Bringing maternal energy into life is beautiful and can manifest in infinite ways ♡

Put any items that resonate with you on your altar. You can also choose an item or crystal to carry with you as a virtual altar.

Bless ♡

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